------------------------------------------------------------------------ r196 | bz | 2012-03-26 13:13:42 -0400 (Mon, 26 Mar 2012) | 1 line Disabled Wraptor temp sensing. Fixed Wraptor M4 position update bug. Fixed safety board kickstart routine. Increased HI's TSTOP to 2000 (from 50). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r195 | bz | 2012-02-22 11:18:59 -0500 (Wed, 22 Feb 2012) | 1 line Merged in safety MODE and PEN updates from r189, Hall code from r192, and Wraptor THERM init and brake control. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r194 | bz | 2012-02-15 11:54:33 -0500 (Wed, 15 Feb 2012) | 1 line Improved motor control while handling serial communications. Improved trapezoidal motion continuity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r193 | bz | 2012-02-15 11:50:42 -0500 (Wed, 15 Feb 2012) | 1 line Reverting trunk to known-working code from r188 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r192 | bz | 2012-02-06 16:52:32 -0500 (Mon, 06 Feb 2012) | 1 line Resets the current control integrators when IKI is updated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r191 | bz | 2012-02-06 16:33:38 -0500 (Mon, 06 Feb 2012) | 1 line Removed accpos. Moved get_position_mag() to MAGENC.C. Implemented 8x magenc oversampling with filter (5kHz). Initializes Wraptor motor THERM value to zero. Disabled finger self-preservation by default. Read full pendant state (PEN). Can lower Safety MODE without LOCK. SV interrupt enabled in MODE=0 (for oversampling encoder). VMIN/VMAX set to -8191/8191. BUG: Find MOFST non-functional. BUG: P does not initialize to zero on startup. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r190 | bz | 2011-12-08 19:33:07 -0500 (Thu, 08 Dec 2011) | 1 line Allow PWMming of FET0, FET1 (requires enabling EVB). Wraptor brake (DIG0) mod for new brake circuit. Extracted get_position_mag from SV.C -> MAIN.C, increasing control rate from 4200 Hz to 5kHz. Added get_position_hall to SV.C for Wraptor M4 (works, but not happy with lossy accpos update based on CTS/POLES/3). Added AC's space vector assembly code back into the source tree (not linked by default). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r189 | bz | 2011-10-27 16:20:11 -0400 (Thu, 27 Oct 2011) | 1 line Allow pendant control via serial/CAN. Send SET MODE 0/1/2 to safety board. Requires LOCK sequence. Tested with AE boards only. Also allows 20/32 MHz crystal on safety puck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r188 | bz | 2011-10-05 12:42:31 -0400 (Wed, 05 Oct 2011) | 1 line Divides the tactile tare samples before summing to prevent overflow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r187 | bz | 2011-09-28 18:04:41 -0400 (Wed, 28 Sep 2011) | 1 line Revert to writing the DAC and Scan back to the tactile sensor (even though the protocol doc says this is not necessary). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r186 | bz | 2011-09-28 17:18:14 -0400 (Wed, 28 Sep 2011) | 1 line Fixed trapezoidal move jitter during triangular moves. More robust tactile initialization (reads everything twice). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r185 | bz | 2011-08-03 11:19:28 -0400 (Wed, 03 Aug 2011) | 1 line Check for SG between 100 and 4050 and isInitialized before performing BHand cable self-preservation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r184 | bz | 2011-07-28 16:54:27 -0400 (Thu, 28 Jul 2011) | 1 line Fixed bogus TACT value on startup. Fixed inner link encoder initialization after HI. Altered memory map to allow for more firmware growth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r183 | bz | 2011-07-22 16:07:51 -0400 (Fri, 22 Jul 2011) | 1 line Doubled the stack size- stabbing in the dark at strange MODE bug. Read the Tactile Descriptor twice in order to allow finger swapping (doesn't make sense, but works). Turn off cable self-preservation feature by writing 10000 to HSG. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r182 | bz | 2011-07-13 13:58:23 -0400 (Wed, 13 Jul 2011) | 1 line Handle CAN traffic more frequently during I2C/Tact reads. Strain gage cable self-preservation routines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r179 | bz | 2011-05-11 08:32:19 -0400 (Wed, 11 May 2011) | 1 line Added timerHandle to commWriteCAN to handle motorControl during high CAN traffic/arbitration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r178 | bz | 2011-05-06 16:16:04 -0400 (Fri, 06 May 2011) | 1 line If you set OTEMP to zero, it disables temperature-based MT limiting. Note: OTEMP is not saved to EEPROM. Service the motorControl() in between the five "full TACT" CAN writes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r177 | bz | 2011-05-05 18:30:36 -0400 (Thu, 05 May 2011) | 1 line Allow multiple HIs. Increased max timers to 6. Don't reset the output torque on mode change if we don't have to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r176 | bz | 2011-05-03 15:43:10 -0400 (Tue, 03 May 2011) | 1 line Tactile data read in background. Enforce joint limits using positions instead of torques. Don't reset the PID controller unless coming from IDLE or TORQUE mode or already applying MT torques. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r175 | bz | 2011-05-02 13:26:24 -0400 (Mon, 02 May 2011) | 1 line Added sermem_TestPattern, tactWrite only if tactile sensors are installed, comm.c masks out IDs above 31, merged therm and SPI temp code, disable SPI temp in WAMs, pause trap/vel moves when PID torque > limit, updated WAM therm calcs from 2004 version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r174 | eh | 2011-02-18 08:39:57 -0500 (Fri, 18 Feb 2011) | 1 line Increased initialization minimum stopped torque to 1700. Put a new line at the end of MAIN.C to check if firmware revision label gets updated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r170 | eh | 2011-02-08 20:55:26 -0500 (Tue, 08 Feb 2011) | 1 line HI should set zero position much closer to zero for the spread which was a new problem found with rev 169. Spread does not have torque limited to 2/3 the value as fingers do anymore since it does not need to prevent jamming. Removed the torque for the fingers being limited twice, first by 2/3 when starting to move and then another 2/3 when it is moving. Now it will simply be just 2/3 of the value with either condition as it was meant to be. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r169 | eh | 2011-02-03 09:59:35 -0500 (Thu, 03 Feb 2011) | 1 line Now have a method to set the secondary joint encoder position. There are now methods that can be called with a single line of code to initialize and service the joint encoder. The HI command has been updated to wait a fixed amount of time to let both joints come to a stop. This helps to set the zero/offset position much more accurately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r168 | eh | 2011-01-27 14:36:03 -0500 (Thu, 27 Jan 2011) | 9 lines The checkStopCondition method now checks for trapezoidal mode and clears moveDone flag and sets trapState variable to done. Several updates to the HI routine including a new ITOR property that has been added to be able a desired breakaway torque which has a useful range of 1070 to 3400. Default value will be 1070 if a negative value is stored in EEPROM. After the stopped movement flag is set, torque mode is used to apply ITOR torque for 200 milliseconds. The finger presses into the hardstop with ITOR torque at initialization but no less than the minimum torque set after the motor gets started moving and no more than a defined maximum amount. The HI command will begin applying at least 2500 torque until movement is detected regardless of the ITOR value. The HI limited torque may exceed the MT property now in order to control torque as needed. IVEL is clipped to have a correct sign and ensure a higher velocity limit is not exceeded. ACCEL, MV, MCV, etc. will still have an affect on trapezoidal position moves in HI. The Pucks in the hand switch to position mode in the beginning mainly so that the spread doesn't drop anymore in certain orientations. Stiffer gains that are used for normal movement are used for moving to the open limit and moves away from the stop. TSTOP and a limited MT are handled internally by HI. Use of IOFF has been cleaned up in the code and IHIT count has been removed. DELAY_US has been replaced with loops that terminate using either a 300 and 500 uS timer in order to respond, parse, and process received CAN messages. An outsideMode variable is left in to determine where code may stop running which may help narrow down the RE2 spread not returning from mode 4 problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r167 | eh | 2011-01-05 16:28:20 -0500 (Wed, 05 Jan 2011) | 1 line Gains were set to original default values used on 280 hands during an HI for position moves. In order for TSTOP = 50 to work the gains set during trapezoidal moves during an HI could not be lowered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r166 | eh | 2011-01-03 16:42:18 -0500 (Mon, 03 Jan 2011) | 1 line Small change so that grip torque applied to 280 hand will not also change wraptor behavior. New change has not been tested yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r165 | eh | 2010-12-30 15:09:02 -0500 (Thu, 30 Dec 2010) | 1 line Maybe changing whitespace in MAIN.C will update REV tag. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r164 | eh | 2010-12-30 14:46:54 -0500 (Thu, 30 Dec 2010) | 1 line Checking in with TortoiseSVN hoping that next checkout will display correct firmware version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r163 | eh | 2010-12-30 14:19:05 -0500 (Thu, 30 Dec 2010) | 1 line Checking in changes again with files modified that were changed last time to hopefully change owner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r162 | eh | 2010-12-30 13:59:30 -0500 (Thu, 30 Dec 2010) | 1 line First check-in with many 280 hand updates. New HI that pretends to be in velocity mode (moves to open limit, away and then back to open limit if not spread - puck 14), motor torque limiting based on exponentially filtering motor torque to protect motors, not allowing motor torques to drive motors past the OT or CT, movement detection with adjustable start/stop function pointers, updated TSTOP to be more similar to 262 allowing up to 40 counts of jitter, MT limited to 2/3 of the value when moving, IOFF handled by setting position to -IOFF and moving to 0 position, and grip torque set during supervisory movement commands also is 2/3 of MT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r161 | bz | 2010-12-21 16:19:02 -0500 (Tue, 21 Dec 2010) | 1 line Corrected MT update with falling temperature. Added internal therm code (untested). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r160 | bz | 2010-11-22 11:53:25 -0500 (Mon, 22 Nov 2010) | 1 line Disabled the "any packed property" feature until libbarrett is released. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r159 | bz | 2010-11-12 18:38:46 -0500 (Fri, 12 Nov 2010) | 1 line Set JP to 0 after HI. Cleaned up parseMessage(). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r158 | bz | 2010-11-12 16:30:20 -0500 (Fri, 12 Nov 2010) | 1 line BHand obeys safety board mode commands. BHand JP initialized to zero on startup. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r157 | bz | 2010-10-15 18:33:27 -0400 (Fri, 15 Oct 2010) | 1 line Calibrated tactile feedback working from both styles of calibration tables, however the old style seems twice as sensitive as the new one. Why? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r156 | bz | 2010-10-15 10:23:38 -0400 (Fri, 15 Oct 2010) | 1 line Disabled tactile calibration for now. Need to rework the calibration math to handle the latest PPS firmware. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r155 | bz | 2010-10-13 14:32:31 -0400 (Wed, 13 Oct 2010) | 1 line Tactile calibration attempt, not tested. HI honors HOLD. Obeys safety board MODE changes. Fixed group broadcast response. Reverted ADC ANA0/1 to original order. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r154 | bz | 2010-09-10 16:55:29 -0400 (Fri, 10 Sep 2010) | 1 line Moved tactile array code to TACTILE.C. Working on tactile calibration tables. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r153 | bz | 2010-09-01 16:59:42 -0400 (Wed, 01 Sep 2010) | 1 line Default POLES to 12 (for panel tester) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r152 | bz | 2010-08-20 11:39:44 -0400 (Fri, 20 Aug 2010) | 1 line Re-inserted MagEncSer GPIO initialization code into MAIN.C. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r151 | bz | 2010-08-13 13:25:40 -0400 (Fri, 13 Aug 2010) | 1 line Merged 20 MHz and 32 MHz crystal firmware. Uses ROLE bit 7 to differentiate. ROLE = 5637 for 32 MHz, 5765 for 20 MHz BHand pucks (with tactile sensing). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r150 | bz | 2010-08-13 07:41:04 -0400 (Fri, 13 Aug 2010) | 1 line Working PPS output, not yet calibrated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r149 | bz | 2010-07-28 19:54:00 -0400 (Wed, 28 Jul 2010) | 1 line Added I2C CLOCK_STRETCH and tactile initialization. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r148 | bz | 2010-07-20 15:22:06 -0400 (Tue, 20 Jul 2010) | 1 line New "panel under test" firmware for 20 MHz crystal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r147 | bz | 2010-07-09 14:27:24 -0400 (Fri, 09 Jul 2010) | 1 line Inverted BHand motor encoder. Red/Green LED change. TSTOP defaults to 50. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r146 | bz | 2010-06-25 11:08:55 -0400 (Fri, 25 Jun 2010) | 2 lines Eliminated possible over/underflow case in MOTOR.C PID control. Removed DP from handleSensors(). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r145 | bz | 2010-06-22 19:12:49 -0400 (Tue, 22 Jun 2010) | 7 lines Fixed PPS/MOTOR.C interrupt Disabled Safety Puck tempRead (kept therm) Reverted to single-digit motorSelect parsing, but auto-adds 10 for BH8-280 Auto-reads PPS sensorCt, sets TACT to 0 iff success, -2 otherwise Auto-inits PPS scanRate, etc. Added TACTID for setting the PPS I2C ID (defaults to ID-10) Added IMU init function to IMU.C ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r144 | bz | 2010-06-08 17:57:15 -0400 (Tue, 08 Jun 2010) | 1 line Yeah, here is the actual IMU code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r143 | bz | 2010-06-08 17:56:34 -0400 (Tue, 08 Jun 2010) | 1 line Added IMU on Halls and Tension ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r142 | bz | 2010-05-27 10:29:14 -0400 (Thu, 27 May 2010) | 1 line PPS: TopTen works, raw output untested ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r141 | bz | 2010-05-18 17:09:36 -0400 (Tue, 18 May 2010) | 1 line PPS working with wide clock and long delays ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r140 | bz | 2010-04-30 21:32:07 -0400 (Fri, 30 Apr 2010) | 1 line Working on I2C for BHand PPS sensors ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r139 | bz | 2010-04-08 15:45:59 -0400 (Thu, 08 Apr 2010) | 4 lines Can switch between 32MHz crystal (80Mhz operation) and 20MHz crystal (60MHz operation) using the SIXTY_MHZ defined in Examples.h. Also initializes tstop_counter to TSTOP on mode change. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r138 | bz | 2010-03-22 17:34:16 -0400 (Mon, 22 Mar 2010) | 2 lines Works at 60 MHz! SV may not be totally correct (sounds different). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r137 | bz | 2010-03-17 14:29:42 -0400 (Wed, 17 Mar 2010) | 2 lines Testing 20MHz crystal ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r136 | bz | 2010-02-19 20:58:07 -0500 (Fri, 19 Feb 2010) | 2 lines Disabled TSTOP during HI ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r135 | bz | 2010-01-14 13:39:38 -0500 (Thu, 14 Jan 2010) | 2 lines ULeicester shipment (BH8-280), ROLE=1541 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r134 | bz | 2009-12-31 17:14:14 -0500 (Thu, 31 Dec 2009) | 2 lines Strain Gage sensing with HSG and LSG works! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r133 | bz | 2009-12-30 15:25:22 -0500 (Wed, 30 Dec 2009) | 3 lines Good for BH8-280 cycling ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r132 | bz | 2009-12-23 17:47:28 -0500 (Wed, 23 Dec 2009) | 2 lines High IDs, multiple encoders ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r131 | bz | 2009-12-10 13:19:19 -0500 (Thu, 10 Dec 2009) | 4 lines Eliminated large current draw upon entering MODE 2 (torque mode). Note: this version is configured for a BH8-280 puck (primary encoder on hall lines). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r130 | bz | 2009-11-23 13:30:40 -0500 (Mon, 23 Nov 2009) | 5 lines BH8-280 Alpha. handleOthers() is assuming puck IDs 1-7 (for Wraptor). Not true in BHand (11-14). Made trapezoidal control check for Wraptor before handling X0-X7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r129 | dc | 2009-10-20 14:49:46 -0400 (Tue, 20 Oct 2009) | 1 line Added the compiler toolchain. Added a Makefile for Linux (Wine). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r128 | bz | 2009-10-08 11:18:54 -0400 (Thu, 08 Oct 2009) | 3 lines Made VNOM save to EEPROM for alternate calibration voltages. Gets ADC values in sv.c case 1. Initializes safety position count to 0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r127 | bz | 2009-09-15 12:53:47 -0400 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 1 line Removed digital filter from SV.C ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r126 | bz | 2009-09-15 10:59:50 -0400 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) | 1 line JP packed with AP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r125 | bz | 2009-09-09 13:58:36 -0400 (Wed, 09 Sep 2009) | 1 line Added JP and JOFST for joint encoders (CMU) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r122 | bz | 2009-01-15 16:34:30 -0500 (Thu, 15 Jan 2009) | 1 line Bug fix for THERM reading ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r121 | bz | 2008-12-09 13:45:02 -0500 (Tue, 09 Dec 2008) | 1 line Attempt to merge Safety Board rev AD with AE code ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r120 | bz | 2008-11-21 12:07:26 -0500 (Fri, 21 Nov 2008) | 2 lines Safety board therm/temp reading. Safety board initialization updates from DL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r119 | cd | 2008-11-06 15:06:57 -0500 (Thu, 06 Nov 2008) | 1 line Reverted to r109, and added the MECH publishing with magnetic encoders in SV.C ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r118 | cd | 2008-09-05 10:46:15 -0400 (Fri, 05 Sep 2008) | 1 line Added the remainder of Joe's files ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r114 | cd | 2008-09-04 12:13:24 -0400 (Thu, 04 Sep 2008) | 1 line Committing Joe's summer code ... includes changes for magval in MECH, acceleration and velocity filters, quickly sampling puck data for plots/analysis, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r109 | bz | 2008-03-31 16:53:45 -0400 (Mon, 31 Mar 2008) | 2 lines Made EVB timer 3 match EVA timer 1 for all products. Tested on PC/104 safety board. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r108 | bz | 2008-01-18 10:15:11 -0500 (Fri, 18 Jan 2008) | 1 line Safety board now PWMs all three phases briefly on startup. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r107 | bz | 2007-12-21 16:32:50 -0500 (Fri, 21 Dec 2007) | 1 line Make Safety Init sequence compatible with non-PC/104 safety board. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r106 | bz | 2007-11-21 15:47:20 -0500 (Wed, 21 Nov 2007) | 1 line Mods for new PC/104 safety board ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r105 | bz | 2007-11-12 17:53:22 -0500 (Mon, 12 Nov 2007) | 1 line Safety Bus Voltage averaging across 4 safety cycles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r104 | bz | 2007-10-23 17:05:08 -0400 (Tue, 23 Oct 2007) | 1 line Proper safety boot sequence for PC/104, tested. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r103 | bz | 2007-10-12 18:17:59 -0400 (Fri, 12 Oct 2007) | 2 lines Activates FET1 and FET0 for 5V dirty and 5V regulated. WriteFirmware() should call CallFlashAPI() at 0x003F7C00. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r102 | bz | 2007-09-09 20:04:31 -0400 (Sun, 09 Sep 2007) | 1 line Fixed position restore upon startup for Wraptor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r101 | bz | 2007-06-27 21:52:36 -0400 (Wed, 27 Jun 2007) | 4 lines Fixed safetyLimitTorque() bug. Safety board will not let user run with zero pucks. Added HostPC to safety.controllers, heartbeat check. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r100 | bz | 2007-06-06 09:52:34 -0400 (Wed, 06 Jun 2007) | 1 line Added Brake line conditioning to safetyInit(). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r99 | bz | 2007-05-04 12:44:30 -0400 (Fri, 04 May 2007) | 1 line Fixed lockup bug: replaced cmdSet() with writeIO() in writeMode(). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r98 | bz | 2007-05-03 21:23:13 -0400 (Thu, 03 May 2007) | 1 line Fixed M, DP. Added TSTOP, HOLD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r97 | bz | 2007-05-03 18:53:39 -0400 (Thu, 03 May 2007) | 1 line Reduced the PID shift from 12 to 8. (Increased gain range). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r96 | bz | 2007-04-27 16:07:46 -0400 (Fri, 27 Apr 2007) | 1 line Removed "mofset=-2" from SV.C get_position_mag(). Works now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r95 | bz | 2007-04-27 15:26:20 -0400 (Fri, 27 Apr 2007) | 1 line Clean rebuild ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r94 | bz | 2007-04-26 18:00:24 -0400 (Thu, 26 Apr 2007) | 1 line Wraptor/WAM code integration. Problem: Wraptor motor spins in wrong direction. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r93 | bz | 2007-04-23 11:25:37 -0400 (Mon, 23 Apr 2007) | 1 line As of some previous rev, MagEnc SV.C no longer calls ADCRead() due to time constraints. This caused I_SENSE to be garbage and FIND IOFST to fail. Now reading ADCRESULT0 directly in CmdFind(). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r92 | bz | 2007-03-20 16:31:37 -0400 (Tue, 20 Mar 2007) | 1 line Checks for ESTOP state before handling critical undervoltage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r91 | bz | 2007-03-20 15:30:09 -0400 (Tue, 20 Mar 2007) | 1 line For UTokyo MagWAM, critical undervoltage causes E-STOP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r90 | bz | 2007-03-20 14:05:49 -0400 (Tue, 20 Mar 2007) | 2 lines Power up bus slowly (12 steps). May have broken DIG0 PWM (modified, but not tested successfully) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r89 | bz | 2007-03-20 12:10:54 -0400 (Tue, 20 Mar 2007) | 1 line Works in MagWAM taters. Auto-adjusts MT based on TEMP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r88 | bz | 2007-03-20 10:50:35 -0400 (Tue, 20 Mar 2007) | 2 lines Updated safety forward kinematics constants with Magnetic Encoder values (4096 cts/rev). First attempt at MT dropoff due to over temperature. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r87 | bz | 2007-03-16 16:05:22 -0400 (Fri, 16 Mar 2007) | 1 line Still trying to get Xn to save in ROLE_SAFETY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r86 | bz | 2007-03-16 15:45:02 -0400 (Fri, 16 Mar 2007) | 1 line Moved [X0] stuff to help non-wraptor pucks store info to Xn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r85 | bz | 2007-03-16 14:48:33 -0400 (Fri, 16 Mar 2007) | 2 lines Forced SAFETY_MODULE motorSelect to "me". Arranged FIND command as a switch() statement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r84 | bz | 2007-03-16 14:27:35 -0400 (Fri, 16 Mar 2007) | 1 line TIE is now only enabled for ROLE_TATER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r83 | bz | 2007-03-16 14:03:12 -0400 (Fri, 16 Mar 2007) | 1 line Oops, now MODE should be fixed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r82 | bz | 2007-03-16 13:27:01 -0400 (Fri, 16 Mar 2007) | 1 line Set MODE to -1 on startup so that cmdDef can do its job. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r81 | ac | 2007-03-16 12:31:33 -0400 (Fri, 16 Mar 2007) | 1 line Fixed sign problem on ROLLTHRESH constant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r80 | bz | 2007-03-12 17:47:01 -0400 (Mon, 12 Mar 2007) | 2 lines Spins at 2800rpm with Magnetic Encoder. TIE disabled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r79 | bz | 2007-03-12 10:27:52 -0400 (Mon, 12 Mar 2007) | 2 lines Initialized M7 heartbeat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r78 | ac | 2007-03-09 10:46:33 -0500 (Fri, 09 Mar 2007) | 1 line Modified accPos updating algorithm to work with magnetic encoder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r77 | ac | 2007-03-07 18:25:20 -0500 (Wed, 07 Mar 2007) | 1 line Magnetic encoder works! Work still needed on updating accPos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r76 | bz | 2007-03-07 16:58:27 -0500 (Wed, 07 Mar 2007) | 1 line Known working base with MagEnc stuff commented out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r75 | bz | 2007-03-06 13:39:14 -0500 (Tue, 06 Mar 2007) | 1 line Added comment to Wraptor banner line. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r74 | bz | 2007-03-05 13:41:08 -0500 (Mon, 05 Mar 2007) | 1 line Removed r39b from trunk. Not sure why it showed up there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r73 | ac | 2007-03-05 13:25:45 -0500 (Mon, 05 Mar 2007) | 1 line made a copy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r72 | bz | 2007-03-02 13:33:45 -0500 (Fri, 02 Mar 2007) | 3 lines Realtime work-in-progress. Added driver for magnetic encoder. Need to integrate MagEnc position feedback into SV.C. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r71 | bz | 2007-01-09 13:52:05 -0500 (Tue, 09 Jan 2007) | 3 lines Working well for the Wraptor. Added WaitForStop. Fixed TIE and HI. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r70 | bz | 2007-01-05 11:11:18 -0500 (Fri, 05 Jan 2007) | 2 lines Changed default motorSelect from 123567 to just 123. Trying out a new command buffer method. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r69 | bz | 2007-01-05 09:19:21 -0500 (Fri, 05 Jan 2007) | 2 lines Mask out me from m after handling TIE. T command enters MODE_IDLE (instead of MODE_TORQUE). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r68 | bz | 2007-01-05 09:03:49 -0500 (Fri, 05 Jan 2007) | 3 lines Made TIE check for ownership. Swapped HALLS with HALLH to allow for 32-bit access. Removed ?: operator from SV.C control function. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r67 | bz | 2007-01-04 09:59:28 -0500 (Thu, 04 Jan 2007) | 2 lines Adjusted halls by 30 deg in sv.c. Implemented TIE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r66 | ac | 2007-01-03 15:40:08 -0500 (Wed, 03 Jan 2007) | 1 line ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r65 | bz | 2007-01-03 09:09:43 -0500 (Wed, 03 Jan 2007) | 1 line Progress toward BarrettHand compatibility. Works, but unfinished. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r64 | bz | 2006-10-25 14:20:47 -0400 (Wed, 25 Oct 2006) | 1 line Functioning supervisory GCL for Wraptor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r63 | bz | 2006-10-24 11:31:24 -0400 (Tue, 24 Oct 2006) | 1 line Working on Wraptor GCL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r62 | bz | 2006-10-16 09:47:16 -0400 (Mon, 16 Oct 2006) | 1 line Code formatting. Working on parser. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r61 | bz | 2006-09-14 16:15:59 -0400 (Thu, 14 Sep 2006) | 1 line Major parser reorganization for Wraptor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r58 | bz | 2006-08-14 11:34:30 -0400 (Mon, 14 Aug 2006) | 2 lines Changed timer resolution from 1ms to 100us. Added CRC code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r57 | bz | 2006-07-12 09:00:09 -0400 (Wed, 12 Jul 2006) | 2 lines Mods for spray painting (8-DOF) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r56 | bz | 2006-06-08 19:46:05 -0400 (Thu, 08 Jun 2006) | 1 line Stabbing in the dark at SV.C's ENC_NO_IDX teta_e calc. Might have killed it this time. Seems to work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r55 | bz | 2006-06-08 13:27:31 -0400 (Thu, 08 Jun 2006) | 1 line No longer answers to invalid properties ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r54 | bz | 2006-06-01 18:16:55 -0400 (Thu, 01 Jun 2006) | 4 lines GRPx loaded from EEPROM, no longer set in COMM.C. MAIN.C handles Gimbals mailbox setup. Still trying to get initial halls working. Still has fast forward rotation bumps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r53 | bz | 2006-05-26 11:16:33 -0400 (Fri, 26 May 2006) | 1 line Added LOOP.C ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r52 | bz | 2006-05-23 18:20:15 -0400 (Tue, 23 May 2006) | 3 lines Fixed a trapezoidal move hiccup at inflection points Setting MOFST to -2 forces hall-only commutation Fully working inter-puck communication 16/32-bit ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r51 | bz | 2006-05-11 16:29:55 -0400 (Thu, 11 May 2006) | 1 line Added PWM for DIG0, still working on LOOP.C ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r50 | bz | 2006-05-05 17:10:16 -0400 (Fri, 05 May 2006) | 2 lines Working on LOOP.C Functional, except for SV.C high-speed bug ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r49 | bz | 2006-05-01 12:42:39 -0400 (Mon, 01 May 2006) | 1 line Fixed command history buffer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r48 | bz | 2006-04-28 13:08:56 -0400 (Fri, 28 Apr 2006) | 2 lines Outputs prompt only when move is complete. IC, IO, M are working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r47 | bz | 2006-04-28 10:18:12 -0400 (Fri, 28 Apr 2006) | 3 lines Added position and trapezoidal control. Deleted MaxDuty parameter. SV.C still bumpy with fast positive rotation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r46 | bz | 2006-04-14 16:51:21 -0400 (Fri, 14 Apr 2006) | 2 lines EN no longer stored in EEPROM. IMOTOR returns the proper motor current (biased around IOFSET) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r45 | bz | 2006-04-11 17:56:35 -0400 (Tue, 11 Apr 2006) | 6 lines Fixed minor comm bug in CMD.C. Increased serial buffer to 255 chars. Reworked serial buffering scheme. Put back asm(" IDLE") command in MAIN.C. Added new property defaults. Added ISQ, TETAE, FIND to property list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r44 | bz | 2006-03-29 17:07:14 -0500 (Wed, 29 Mar 2006) | 1 line Added full EEPROM loading, hall history, encoder correction stats, HALLS, HALLH, ECMAX, ECMIN, POLES. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r43 | bz | 2006-03-29 09:46:32 -0500 (Wed, 29 Mar 2006) | 1 line SV.C is working! Hooray! Needs oodles of optimization now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r42 | bz | 2006-03-22 16:14:51 -0500 (Wed, 22 Mar 2006) | 1 line Added SV.C, not working yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r41 | bz | 2006-03-17 14:35:41 -0500 (Fri, 17 Mar 2006) | 7 lines NOT WORKING FOR COMMUTATION Translated sv.asm --> SV.C, but commented out CMPR code (while testing). Load JIDX, PIDX on startup. TODO: load all vars from EEPROM. Made it so the gimbals puck looks like 3 separate pucks over CAN. Serial example on puck 1: "2fget mcv" will make puck 1 ask puck 2 (over CAN) for its MCV. Puck 1's MCV value will be set to Puck 2's answer. (Recently added... perhaps 0-2 versions ago). Fiddled with the project compilation settings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r40 | bz | 2006-02-16 11:24:58 -0500 (Thu, 16 Feb 2006) | 1 line Added missing MOTOR.C source file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r39 | bz | 2006-02-16 11:23:08 -0500 (Thu, 16 Feb 2006) | 4 lines Safety board: added FIND VBUS calibration command. Safety board: added ENET_SAFETY #define to SAFETY.H Test station: added PASS and KEEP commands (uses SCIB). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r38 | bz | 2006-01-12 17:41:52 -0500 (Thu, 12 Jan 2006) | 1 line First pass at voltage calibration. Prototype for motor.c. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r37 | bz | 2005-11-04 11:31:40 -0500 (Fri, 04 Nov 2005) | 1 line Minor edits ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r36 | bz | 2005-11-03 14:54:41 -0500 (Thu, 03 Nov 2005) | 1 line Reverted puck properties back to original order, added the new props to the end of the list for compatibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r35 | bz | 2005-10-13 13:39:15 -0400 (Thu, 13 Oct 2005) | 1 line Taters now load CTS and IPNM on startup ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r34 | bz | 2005-10-13 11:23:15 -0400 (Thu, 13 Oct 2005) | 1 line Fixed writeGroup bug in COMM.C ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r33 | bz | 2005-10-13 10:05:35 -0400 (Thu, 13 Oct 2005) | 3 lines Added tenst, tenso, jidx, ipnm. Made grpa-c r/w This firmware designed to be used by new Linux2.6 btsystem code ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r32 | bz | 2005-09-27 14:07:19 -0400 (Tue, 27 Sep 2005) | 1 line Restructured code to work alongside separate Monitor project ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r31 | bz | 2005-06-03 14:56:37 -0400 (Fri, 03 Jun 2005) | 1 line Fixed switch for ezDSP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r30 | bz | 2005-06-02 14:41:28 -0400 (Thu, 02 Jun 2005) | 1 line Added NO_PC #define so SAFETY.C and included code to perform gravity comp w/o a PC. Also integrated PIDX and fixed a minor communications bug. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r29 | bz | 2005-02-25 15:00:47 -0500 (Fri, 25 Feb 2005) | 1 line Updated logging routine, insert LogHandle() wherever you wish to log data. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r28 | ac | 2005-02-14 14:39:18 -0500 (Mon, 14 Feb 2005) | 1 line Improved current sensing strategy. Instead of sampling then compensating, we're now compensating then sampling. This allows for a more accurate measure of the true motor current, and thus smoother motor torque control. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r27 | ac | 2005-02-11 10:39:12 -0500 (Fri, 11 Feb 2005) | 1 line Lifted firmware bounds on bus voltage applied to motor. Almost full PWM duty cycle is now available (minus a few % for hi-side cap. charging). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r26 | bz | 2005-02-08 15:32:10 -0500 (Tue, 08 Feb 2005) | 1 line Added if statements to sv ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r25 | bz | 2005-01-31 08:39:12 -0500 (Mon, 31 Jan 2005) | 1 line Put back DIG_HALL inputs to be inputs again (after debugging hall feedback) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r24 | bz | 2005-01-10 10:49:20 -0500 (Mon, 10 Jan 2005) | 1 line Working code for rev2 gimbals circuit (RIC shipment) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r23 | bz | 2005-01-04 11:30:33 -0500 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 1 line Working CPU timer, EVB deactivated ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r22 | bz | 2005-01-04 10:13:30 -0500 (Tue, 04 Jan 2005) | 1 line Non-functioning attempt at using CPU timer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r21 | bz | 2004-12-27 13:45:23 -0500 (Mon, 27 Dec 2004) | 1 line Toggle the bus FETs to initialize them ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r20 | bz | 2004-12-27 13:07:40 -0500 (Mon, 27 Dec 2004) | 1 line No longer checks over voltage while SAFETY_ESTOP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r19 | bz | 2004-12-17 13:35:12 -0500 (Fri, 17 Dec 2004) | 1 line Autocalc voltage limits for safety board ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r18 | bz | 2004-12-17 12:05:55 -0500 (Fri, 17 Dec 2004) | 1 line Fixed bug in VOLTH1, H2 calculations for SafetyBoard ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r17 | bz | 2004-12-16 14:58:45 -0500 (Thu, 16 Dec 2004) | 1 line Full merge of arm/wrist code (with #ifdefs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r16 | bz | 2004-11-16 14:58:46 -0500 (Tue, 16 Nov 2004) | 1 line SN restored from EEPROM on startup ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r15 | ac | 2004-10-21 14:21:36 -0400 (Thu, 21 Oct 2004) | 1 line Modified sv.asm and sine.asm to allow compiling for the wrist roll motors. Also made improvements to sv.asm to make motors run smoother. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r14 | bz | 2004-10-13 19:19:49 -0400 (Wed, 13 Oct 2004) | 1 line Added IKP, IKI, IKCOR to parser as int16 EEPROM vars ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r13 | ac | 2004-10-13 18:06:58 -0400 (Wed, 13 Oct 2004) | 1 line Added compiler switches to select between 4-Dof and wrist motors. More code needs to be written for last roll motor. Made current gain variables global for parameterization. This will ease the gain tuning process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r12 | bz | 2004-09-29 10:42:52 -0400 (Wed, 29 Sep 2004) | 1 line Overvelocity timeout added ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r11 | bz | 2004-09-16 17:34:23 -0400 (Thu, 16 Sep 2004) | 1 line Added DIG0,1 & TENSION parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r10 | bz | 2004-09-14 15:42:32 -0400 (Tue, 14 Sep 2004) | 1 line Fixed AMODE bug in Tater ADC; Vel + Pwr limiting temporarily disabled for safety board testing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r9 | bz | 2004-09-13 18:08:25 -0400 (Mon, 13 Sep 2004) | 1 line Gimbals GPIO setup, ADC and DIG I/O parsing, working TEMP, power limit beta ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r8 | bz | 2004-09-09 14:45:34 -0400 (Thu, 09 Sep 2004) | 1 line Faster ADC sampling for Safety/Gimbals; tempInit() created ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r7 | bz | 2004-08-31 18:44:58 -0400 (Tue, 31 Aug 2004) | 1 line Power limiting development ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r6 | bz | 2004-08-27 19:47:11 -0400 (Fri, 27 Aug 2004) | 1 line EncoderOld zeroed, over velocity bug fixed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r5 | bz | 2004-08-25 16:27:57 -0400 (Wed, 25 Aug 2004) | 1 line Many safety additions, safety and pucks tested functional in system ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4 | bz | 2004-08-11 16:35:44 -0400 (Wed, 11 Aug 2004) | 1 line Safety system development ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3 | bz | 2004-08-11 09:24:24 -0400 (Wed, 11 Aug 2004) | 1 line Safety code reorganization, parser cleanup ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2 | ac | 2004-08-11 09:04:39 -0400 (Wed, 11 Aug 2004) | 1 line Fixed bug in sv.asm, hall startup routine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r1 | bz | 2004-08-09 08:47:34 -0400 (Mon, 09 Aug 2004) | 1 line Initial Import ------------------------------------------------------------------------